Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Awful Truth Essay Example for Free

The Awful fair play EssayThe Awful truth much like the show cased song Dixie Belles My Dreams be bygone With the Wind depending on what microscope stage of view one uses when looking at it there can be a either positive or detrimentally charged connotation but yet contains a constant that draw together and binds both artistic pieces. Thus, creating a form of simile between the two, the song except itself can be use to represent the movie do the fact the Lucy performance showcases to use what we truly need to understand, and perfectly highlight what the Awful Truth is. Lucys performance of Dixie Belles song My Dreams are Gone With the Wind is taken very differently, depending on which character is viewing the performance. In this case the view points are heavily influences by the identity in which the other characters recognizes Lucy as being. The dance and song are present as sensually and possess a sexually tone to them, this is the one consent doneout all the view point s and is what ties Lucys plan together. As Cavell says Her solution is to create her identity so that the very thing that repels the right Vances is what attracts Jerry (Cavell, PH, 251) In other words by performing a dance and song that had that sensually and sexually tone has negative connotation to the Vances who know Lucy has Jerry child it may even take on incestuous tone. Where as to Jerry who view Lucy as a partner it seen in positive light as she loose herself solely to Jerry or as said by Cavell Lucy is declaring herself, to Jerry alone of course, as the woman he strays from the house to detainment company with.She proposes herself as a welkin on which he may weave passion and tenderness, so that he might desire where he loves she reminds him of this possibility by reminding him of who she is. (Cavell, PH, 253). This duel view point based on ones understanding and views about Lucy but based on the same basic information are essentially blown up and overstated for th e audience when one looks at the movie as a whole, creating a double brinkd stigma of sorts in both the performance and the movie.However as stated above one only needs a bit of background and Lucy performance to truly grasp the message in the film. When looking through the two lens of the eyees in which people often us while watching films in order to understand them logic or emotion ones views can counterchange based on the way they choose to identify with Lucy. All the while the movie still keeps the character features and personality the same thus the double surround sword that makes The Awful Truth so engaging is born. In the film Lucy demonstrates several admirable qualities she is creative, witty and determined.These characteristics are showcased rather quit well in her performance of Dixie Belles song My Dreams are Gone With the Wind. Here she use both her wit and creative, all while being fueled by her mark to rather quit successful push the Vances away from Jerry whi le drawing him to her. She fact throughout the movie in constantly trying to in whatever way draw Jerry into her life or be a part of his, this can be seen in the fact that the Vances know her has Jerrys sister. What creates the double edge sword his is how people view her actions.Those who view it through the emotional lens are likely going Aw she still cares about him were as those u carol the logical lens are going He doesnt believe you his dating another woman grow up and use your talents for another purpose, like try focusing and your sing Those to different one positive the other negative opinions are born of both Lucy and to an extent the movie is given two a womans drive to keep on with the man she loves or a womans complete dependence on having a man in her life.Now the question is which is right love or dependence. In order to solve this question we look to the title The Awful Truth. The key word here is awful if the movies message was meant to positive why would they u se a word with such a negative connotation like awful in the title. The answer is simple they would not, thus the entire message of the film is the negative side where Lucy is so dependent on having a man in her life, that she will go to any lengths to draw Jerry back in something which is also seen in her dating her neighbor Dan.So the truth about this movie is though it may upon first watch appear to have a double edge meaning once one look further in to the context of the film they fide it was just meant to shown case negative while using positive to keep the viewer entertained.

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